Pre-licensed therapist in PA
My name is Anabel Solano and I’m a clinician aspiring for my LPC. I obtained my masters in Counseling Psychology with a marriage and family therapy concentration. I spent one year of internship and close to three years post graduate, leading individual sessions and family sessions. The outpatient department I worked in focused on children who had traumatic experiences such as; sexual abuse, adoption, foster care and more. I have worked with a variety of different systems, cultures, and dynamics all under the Latinx community. This experience granted me an in-depth look at the field and the idea of experiences shaping behavior. I’m a firm believer that experiences can shape our thought processing, our behaviors, and our overall dispositions.
There is a current rise in depression and bullying that has led individuals to feeling unsupported and this results in isolation. We have a primal need for human connection. We need to feel compassion, empathy and understanding and that is what you will find with me. It is your time to begin to heal! Please reach out for a 15 minute consultation to schedule your first appointment!